Panoramic Lifts

Our Panoramic Lifts combine unlimited design flexibility with superior style. Due to the unlimited design flexibility and the wide selection of materials, panoramic cabins are tailor-made to meet the individual requirements of each project and ensure harmony with the building's architectural style. We ensure special care is taken in the design and manufacture of all of our panoramic cabins in order to upgrade the lift cabins from simply being a means of transport to a highly aesthetic element.

Panoramic Scenic Lifts

Our lift cars provide stylish, bespoke and personal designs for your panoramic lifts. At Lifts Direct, we provide a wide range of door finishes including stainless steel of various finishes, full or part glass and epoxy painted so you can get the right look for your space. Our final interior touches then include brushed or patterned stainless steel walls, floors in rubber, marble, granite and other non-standard options for complete customisation.

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Panoramic Lift Characteristics

Each scenic lift installed by Lifts Direct Installations is designed to contribute richness to the architecture of a building. We craft beautiful, graceful forms fashioned from the highest quality materials to allow our scenic lifts to combine elegance and precision in a more natural manner making them the ideal choice for high-class buildings looking for a superior design element.

The range of finishes we can provide can be as bespoke as the surroundings require. The only limit to the decorative possibilities of our panoramic lifts are the project's practical requirements. Alternate straight and curved forms, domes or polyhedral shapes, all our scenic cabins have a wealth of details that give the facilities their daring, suggestive character.

Our lifts combine glassed-in panels with natural stainless steel frames paired with floors that can be made of anything from high resistance rubber to fine marble and granite or even stainless steel. We relish the opportunity to design non-standard options in collaboration with our clients in order to offer a truly unique product. We gather information and give advice on every aspect of your panoramic lift build during our study stage for each project to allow us to manufacture exclusive, elegant lifts, perfectly integrated into their surroundings.

Many different options are available by request:

Please Contact Lifts Direct and our experienced team of lift engineers will be able to advise you on the best solution for your particular installation.

Call: 0207 760 7580

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Panoramic Lift Enquiry form

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